Our Services
We have a wide source of services from hardware supplies, removal of old machinery, clearing of scrap, valuing materials are to be dismantled and others where we meet our customers need giving them a one stop solution.
We are excellent in our waste management initiatives to refocus on the core
business activities and instill price and cost discipline to achieve better margins. The
company aims to focus on improving customer retention by providing better services
and smaller value solutions. Perhaps, it is environmental friendly.
In our waste management system, we are collecting ferrous, non-ferrous metal,
Carton, plastic, and some electronic parts or device.
There are many waste managements deals where by, we offer a combination of drop-offs pick up and on-site collection bin services for scrap. Some on -site bin and collection services may incur a fee.
In the other hand, we very much expert in the project handling, where removing
Tools, machinery, and equipment from site to the allocated place.
Furthermore, in our management, we are doing our best for customer service.
Currently, the main activities in professional removing, collecting, sorting and
Reselling the waste.
Waste Management
TSAK is executing well on its waste management initiatives to refocus on the core business activities and instill price and cost discipline to achieve better margins. The company aims to focus on improving customer retention by providing better services
And lighter value solutions. Perhaps, it is environmental friendly.

Pick up and Bin Services
There are many waste managements deals where by, we offer a combination of drop —off pick up and on-site collection bin services for scrap. Some on -site bin and collection services may incur a fee.
In the other hand, we very much expert in the project handling, where removing tools, machinery, and equipment from site to the allocated place.
Furthermore, in our management, we are doing our best for customer service. Currently, the main activities in professional removing, collecting, sorting and
Reselling the waste.

Past Work - Dismantle Job MNC
Our company was awarded to dismantle the previous now owned Plexus to dismantle their old cleanroom for their new project. The project duration was 60 days to completely clear the cleanroom for their new installation.

Stage 1 : Safety Toolbox Meeting
Our team are preparing on site to start work. The company hired safety officer is giving the safety toolbox meeting to our workers. Our procedure is to ensure safety and meet customer requirement
as stated.

Stage 2 - Work in Progress
Workers clearing high level mechanical works using scissors lift ensuring work safety and project smoothness ensuring completion date is achieved.

Stage 3 - Project Complete
After the project is complete. Customer satisfied with the touch up to ensure their new project can be carried out smoothly without any complication for them.
Past Work - GLC Old Cable Clearance
Our company is awarded to clear the Klang Port Warehouse, Lembaga Pelabuhan Klang (LPK). Klang Port authorities are deemed to safety and security due to valuable materials shipping in and out and a higher government facility. Our company met their standards of spec of work procedure in their short work duration.
STAGE 1 : Early Stages
The clearance starting stage where authorities
pointed the warehouse to be cleared.
Machineries where brought to clear immediately

STAGE 2 : Work In Progress
Our workforce moving out the materials clearing the warehouse. Materials very carefully moved according to safety SOP. Work was carried out smoothly including documentation with authorities.

Stage 3 : Services Rendered
The warehouse after the work completion. Our were customers satisfied with their result. Private and government sector both have different expectation. However our company continues to strive to meet optimal results.

Past Work - Dismantle Job MNC
Our company is awarded by Western Digital Penang to dismantle their old cleanroom as a new cleanroom is to be built for their new production of range of materials.

STAGE 1 : Safety Toolbox Meeting
Our hired safety officer conducting the safety toolbox meeting. Due to a short period project, he is giving instruction on where to start and finish work according to schedule.

Stage 2 : Project Ongoing
Work going on as SOP on removing heavy materials from lower floor. Our experience workforce handling the moving of materials smoothly to clearance.

Stage 3 : Project Completion
Touch up work upon project completion being carried out onsite as requested by customer. Ensuring our quality of work in very step